'BG Wellness Now' Features
Bio-Geometry® TOOLS
Bio-Geometry® uses Nature's Own Design Language of Shape, Color, Sound and Motion -
An Egyptian Energy Science

BG Wellness Now is proud to be a Bio-Geometry® Independent Retailer of an advanced qualitative Egyptian Energy Balancing science that enriches one's life in so many diverse ways.
This new science has emerged at a very pivotal time period for humanity. With this new qualitative science we can usher in the "Golden Age" in its truest form.
Bio-Geometry® is a new way to understand and harmonize your environment as well as energize & balance your bodily systems with a science based on the Energy of Shape, Sound, Color, & Motion.
Bio-Geometry® reveals the hidden ways in which nature creates and distributes energy for the benefit of all living beings.
This new science has emerged at a very pivotal time period for humanity. With this new qualitative science we can usher in the "Golden Age" in its truest form.
Bio-Geometry® is a new way to understand and harmonize your environment as well as energize & balance your bodily systems with a science based on the Energy of Shape, Sound, Color, & Motion.
Bio-Geometry® reveals the hidden ways in which nature creates and distributes energy for the benefit of all living beings.
What is
Bio-Geometry® ?

Bio-Geometry® is a practical application of a new science, called the "Physics of Quality." It uses specially designed energy principles of shapes, color, sound, motion and wave configurations to qualitatively balance and benefit all living biological systems and harmonize their interactions with the environment.
Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale. Simply said, We are the environment.
Bio-Geometry® is a modern environmental science that was founded by Egyptian Architect and Research Scientist Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim (PhD, D.Sc. FIT, Zurich), over the course of a research journey that began forty five years ago. We celebrated the 45 year anniversary of BioGeometry, on September 29th, 2016 in Montreal (Canada) together with the founder Dr Ibrahim, his family, BioGeometry’s European directors as well as over one hundred BG students from all over the world!!
Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. It is an energy-quality combination common to all Earth-energy “power-spots,” which introduces energy-quality balance into all living energy systems. These shapes and design principles have been developed to replicate and amplify a highly beneficial subtle energy quality found in nature – an energy pattern found in all Centers and energetic vortices. They interact with the earth's energy fields to produce balancing effects on biological systems.
The key energy-quality is found in the center of the energy system of the Earth, the Universe, and all living beings.
From the dawn of humanity, these locations found on Earth have special spiritual and healing attributes. The early Temples, sacred sites, churches were built on these 'power-spots'.
This one 'centering' energy quality effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed BioGeometry Three, or “BG3.”
Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim has found that BioGeometry shapes have three primary vibrational qualities described as:
1) Negative green.
2) A higher harmonic of ultra-violet.
3) A higher harmonic of gold.
Only shapes, which produce energy fields with all three of these components are termed BioGeometry3 (BG3) shapes.
This subtle BG3 energy quality is at the core of the forming process in nature and is responsible for maintaining the harmony within energy structures of all types of biological systems including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved.
Bio-Geometry uses proprietary shapes, (also called BioSignatures) which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the resonance of this highly beneficial BG3 energy - quality for general energy-quality balance, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment.
The core of BioGeometrical work is the ability to utilize these emissions of vital energy to transform a living space or a biological system into a more balanced and Centered state.
In other words, this “centering effect” introduces balance to the energy interaction process among the countless other harmonic patterns within any living energy system. BioGeometry uses shapes, based on the system of BG3 Harmonic Proportions, which resonate with and amplify this natural harmonizing BG3 energy-quality.
A main mission of the BioGeometry environmental research framework has been to research and highlight this effect among a variety of biological systems (humans, plants and animals) through independent scientific research.
The science of BioGeometry has become a benchmark in the harmonization of environmental electro-magnetic and geopathic stress. The landmark BioGeometry environmental harmonization projects of the Swiss villages of Hemberg and Hirschberg, commissioned by the Swiss government and in collaboration with telecom provider SwissCom, showed a remarkable positive effect on both the environment, inclusive of the wellbeing and the quality-of-life indicators among the residents. As a result, the Swiss Parliament recognized the health implications of electro-magnetic fields (EMF), and were instrumental in acknowleding electro-sensitivity (now known as “electrical hyper-sensitivity or EHS) as an allergic reaction to increased EMF exposure. Further research, over the years has confirmed these earlier findings.
Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale. Simply said, We are the environment.
Bio-Geometry® is a modern environmental science that was founded by Egyptian Architect and Research Scientist Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim (PhD, D.Sc. FIT, Zurich), over the course of a research journey that began forty five years ago. We celebrated the 45 year anniversary of BioGeometry, on September 29th, 2016 in Montreal (Canada) together with the founder Dr Ibrahim, his family, BioGeometry’s European directors as well as over one hundred BG students from all over the world!!
Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. It is an energy-quality combination common to all Earth-energy “power-spots,” which introduces energy-quality balance into all living energy systems. These shapes and design principles have been developed to replicate and amplify a highly beneficial subtle energy quality found in nature – an energy pattern found in all Centers and energetic vortices. They interact with the earth's energy fields to produce balancing effects on biological systems.
The key energy-quality is found in the center of the energy system of the Earth, the Universe, and all living beings.
From the dawn of humanity, these locations found on Earth have special spiritual and healing attributes. The early Temples, sacred sites, churches were built on these 'power-spots'.
This one 'centering' energy quality effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed BioGeometry Three, or “BG3.”
Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim has found that BioGeometry shapes have three primary vibrational qualities described as:
1) Negative green.
2) A higher harmonic of ultra-violet.
3) A higher harmonic of gold.
Only shapes, which produce energy fields with all three of these components are termed BioGeometry3 (BG3) shapes.
This subtle BG3 energy quality is at the core of the forming process in nature and is responsible for maintaining the harmony within energy structures of all types of biological systems including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved.
Bio-Geometry uses proprietary shapes, (also called BioSignatures) which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the resonance of this highly beneficial BG3 energy - quality for general energy-quality balance, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment.
The core of BioGeometrical work is the ability to utilize these emissions of vital energy to transform a living space or a biological system into a more balanced and Centered state.
In other words, this “centering effect” introduces balance to the energy interaction process among the countless other harmonic patterns within any living energy system. BioGeometry uses shapes, based on the system of BG3 Harmonic Proportions, which resonate with and amplify this natural harmonizing BG3 energy-quality.
A main mission of the BioGeometry environmental research framework has been to research and highlight this effect among a variety of biological systems (humans, plants and animals) through independent scientific research.
The science of BioGeometry has become a benchmark in the harmonization of environmental electro-magnetic and geopathic stress. The landmark BioGeometry environmental harmonization projects of the Swiss villages of Hemberg and Hirschberg, commissioned by the Swiss government and in collaboration with telecom provider SwissCom, showed a remarkable positive effect on both the environment, inclusive of the wellbeing and the quality-of-life indicators among the residents. As a result, the Swiss Parliament recognized the health implications of electro-magnetic fields (EMF), and were instrumental in acknowleding electro-sensitivity (now known as “electrical hyper-sensitivity or EHS) as an allergic reaction to increased EMF exposure. Further research, over the years has confirmed these earlier findings.
Modern Bio Geometry is a blend of knowledge from Dr. Karim's work as an architect and Egyptologist, his study of the European schools of Physical Radiesthesia and both recent and ancient understandings of the physics of resonance and harmonics.
Dr. Karim and company have developed many tools - that are featured on this site, for personal and home harmonization and well-being.
Contact us at [email protected]
Dr. Karim and company have developed many tools - that are featured on this site, for personal and home harmonization and well-being.
Contact us at [email protected]
Latest Videos
- Information on Immunity
And Doreya Karim
Enjoy this recent live conversation with Doreya Karim and Dr. Barre Lando
Energy Thoughts
"Energy is all there is"
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
“The nature of the universe is different from what we perceive
and the matter as we see iT, Is just energy at the quantum level.
Considering human body in the light of physics, we are energy beings.”
― Anupama Garg
"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
"Geometry knows where God is ordained; where the flower of life dances yet stays still."
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.